Hold Harmless Agreement

 (1) I have been examined by a licensed Physician within the previous six months and have been found by such to be in good physical health and fully capable to perform all Yoga exercises which I am to learn and perform during my enrollment with Power Moves Yoga (Sure Movements LLC).

(2) I will follow all instructions given to me by Power Moves Yoga authorized instructors as to when and how to perform and not to perform exercises. I understand the practice of Yoga and group exercise activities may expose me to risk of injury, disease, or death and I knowingly and willingly acknowledge such risk.

(3) I understand and agree that I will receive instruction in yoga theory and exercise and that I hold harmless Power Moves Yoga, its employees, owners, and contract trainers for any damage to or theft of personal property on or away from Power Moves Yoga premises, or personal injury, including but not limited to bodily injury, disease, disability, death, or consequential loss of any kind arising out of my participation in any Power Moves Yoga event or activity.

(4) Registration and class fees paid hereafter are non refundable

(5) In the event that I am pregnant, I will not participate in a yoga class without discussing the potential risks to me or my unborn child with my obstetrician. I agree that I will follow my obstetrician's recommendations and on behalf of myself, spouse or other interested party hold harmless Power Moves Yoga for any possible injury to myself or my unborn child.

(6) If I am under 18 years of age, I warrant that I have disclosed my age to Power Moves Yoga and have provided the signature of approval of my parent or legal custodian or guardian below.